Tuesday, September 30, 2008

crashconomy 101

so, wut you do is, fake a severe heart attack after you having pumped yur gas.
not sure what signs a heart attack intels but you wont have to pay for gas.

thats evidently what the economy is coming to.

let me fill you in, jus in case you havent heard about the guy who faked a heart attack at a restaurant to avoid paying a $23 bill.

i wonder how the waitress reacted.?
just imagine.

"uh uh nigga, you better fall all over the fckng floor after you gimme my damm TIP!" while reaching for his pockets. LoL !

well, it was a good try i guess.

now he has a 10K fine to pay & faces up to 9 mnths behind bars where they do NOT serve $23 meals.

fortunately, they dnt ask for tips either.

poor guy. all because he prolly wanted to put that damm $23 in his gas tank to get home.
which by the way was prolly bout 5 minutes away. LoL !

i prolly woulda tried sumthin similar so i wnt even pass judgement, especially with the places that actually have gas here in GA, the prices are reDUNKulous.
QT is $4.10 a gal.
BP is $4.50 a gal.

and they have the nerve to wonder why people are faking heart attacks & fighting on 3 hour lines waiting for some dam gas.

jus imagine being in your car alone for 3 hours waiting to spend your last 20 on 4 gallons of gas. can you imagine the anger & frustration in that little scenerio ?

i have seen a gas attendant get his life threatened, a man and a woman fighting [fist fighting btw] because the man cut the woman in line, and i have waited in a line for 3 hours to be the next to pump gas & the person right in front gets the last bit of gas.

talk about being peeved.

we are in a time that most definetly is going in the HISTORY books.

so much wrong & not enough right to cover up some of the wrong.

lets all just vote OBAMA.

p.s. - i jus realized how much i like STRIPEs.

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