Tuesday, August 26, 2008

blakk monday

well today is the day. [deep breathe]

my sister is procrastinatin like a em effa.
sum of the family sittin in the livin room
and some are already at the church.

thiss shit is hard. i feel like no even going.
i kno thats not gonna NOT happen though.

they are re capping old memories and im
trynna slide off into tune wrld.

i can feel the "lengthyness" of this day.
my belly hurts, i have NO enery, my legs
are weak, i cant seem to focus.

i jus want it to be over.
& they want me to deal with sum more ppl
for like some re pass or sum shit & then
go to my aunts house to deal with more shit.
im liek man FUKK A DINNER & the shit that comes with it.

well time to go. uuuuuughk !


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