Friday, November 14, 2008

living it thru


to adulthood. to priorities & priotitizing. to choices. right & wrong could determine your life.


to not having anyone telling you what to do, except for the ones who has some type of input on how yur gonna get rent paid; ergo your managers. to being too tired to go out because you have jus wrkd a 12 hr shift. to LiFE.

i noticed yesterday that adulthood consists of trial after each tribulation. if you dnt deserve a moment in life where everything seems to be going GRRREAT, then trust & believe you will not receive one.

if you show appreciation & give yurself props for accomplishing little shit & being thankful for being alive, once you sit dwn & actually evaluate yur situation, you will see yur actually doin pretty good for yurself.

you cant help but love it. the freedom, the tests, the adrenaline rush of not knowing if the choice yur making is gonna kick you lower into the slums or the pleasure of enjoying the outcome if you make the correct decision.

i cant speak for everyone but i know im greatly appreciative of being alive, appreciative of the tests & everything im put through on a day to day basis. i kno its jus getting me ready for something bigger & .making me stronger.

yes, i wish i was ensconced by my family & friends whom i trust with my decisions, but im not & its a great feeling.

now onto those whom are a part of this adulthood but are not acting the part. yur not doing anything but making things more difficult for yourself. the weak ass job yur wrking that isn't enuff to bring to whomevers table yur eating at, lying & being deceitful, putting on facads because you feel as though you wont be accepted but getting figured out, etc. etc.
most likely you are the ones hating life, wishing wishing wishing, seein no outcome, & wondering why.
you have to accept the fact that you don't have a better job, accept the fact that nothing seems to be going your way. NOTHING in life is free. NOTHING.

anything you want or even wish for, you have to work for it. expecting too much or too little is jus more pressure to endure on yur behalf. if you think yur wrkn hard & getting no outcome, work harder. no such thing as wrkn TOO hard when you have to take care of yurself.

what are you doing exactly?
maybe you need to find another approach?
are you approaching the correct situations?

ask yurself theez things, see what yur doing right & what yur doing wrong, change things.

its all a struggling process we have to go thru. so dnt look dwn on everything & dnt make everything out to be a problem or like its done to you.

you are put thru everything for a reason & its done for you, not to you.


PEACe &l O Ve